This blog will keep you up to date with the good, the bad and perhaps even the ugly of our lives as we get ready for our travels. You can watch as we embark on a worldwide trip and begin experiencing new cultures and places.
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Turkey in Turkey

This is about our time in Turkey which was in November to early December of 2023. After bouncing around Europe every 4-7 days, we were ready to settle down. Take a break. Maybe even stop being tourists for a while. As we had reached our 90 days in the Schengen Zone, we needed to head […]

March 24, 2024


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Orthodox Observations

To those of you who religiously check our blog for updates, I apologize about how infrequently we post. We’ve been mostly posting in chronological order. In another tab I have a draft about our time in Portugal that will hopefully be posted “soon”. At the moment, we are in Istanbul, Turkey and we left Portugal […]

November 29, 2023


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