Where are you staying while you travel?
In most places, we've chosen to rent an airbnb.  This allows us to have a kitchen, some more living space than we would have in a hotel, and often times we've chosen places with a washing machine. 
In certain cities, we couldn't find an airbnb that was close to where we wanted to be or couldn't find one that matched the price we'd hoped to pay, so we are staying in a few hotels as well.

How are you getting from one place to another?
We are flying first to New York City then to Ireland.  Within Ireland, we will be having 3 different home bases but driving around the country.  We will fly to England and later to mainland Europe.  In Europe we will mostly be traveling by train but may have a few flights.  From there we will be flying to our destinations.  Toward the end of the trip we will be taking a 17 day cruise which will be transporting us from Sydney, Australia to Honolulu, Hawaii via French Polynesia.  

frequently asked


What will you do for school?
We will be homeschooling our kids. We are still working on finalizing a curriculum but it will likely be online and video based. In addition to daily online lessons, we will be having the kids read, write a daily journal and learn words from the language of each place we visit. Of course, they will also learn things like how to understand a train schedule, new currencies, navigating new cities etc.

Have you done anything like this before?
Chris (Dad) and Angie (Mom) have both done a fair amount of traveling.
Our most notable trip was a 6 week backpacking adventure through Europe together in 2010. Angie also studied abroad for a semester in college and Chris took a number of international business trips. We also took a trip through Europe with family when we first got married. Each of us also got the chance to travel to Europe or England in middle school or high school.

Where are you going?
In no particular order:
-New York City
-London, England
-Salzburg, Austria
-Munich, Germany
-Hallstatt, Austria
-New Zealand
-French Polynesia
-Krakow, Poland
-Berlin, Germany
-The Philippines

More frequently asked


How old are the kids?
We leave in summer of 2023 and all three kids have birthdays within a few months of the trip starting. By fall of 2023, the kids will be 11, 8 and 4.  

What will you do when the year is over?
We are still planning what the very tail end of the trip will look like in May 2024.
After that we will head home to the Twin Cities (MN).  We have a tight-knit church and school community that we plan to go back to, as well as lots of family in that area. 
The kids will go back to their same normal school.  We will be renting a place to live while we build a house.  Depending on how the year goes, we may try to do an annual 3 week trip each summer as a family.  Chris is on a year long leave of absence from his job and Angie is also mostly taking a break from her work while we travel.  We both plan to go back to our normal work when we return home.