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Ich bin ein Berlin Tourist

I wanted to visit Berlin because I’ve always loved history…Angie was less excited because she had heard it was a large intense city. We compromised and booked a short visit – only three full days. Turns out we were both right. Plus Berlin with kids (or any big city with kids) can be tricky. Read […]

September 10, 2023


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All Things Scottish

(By Chris – to start anyway.) This trip has at times brought great shame and at other times immense pride. I am ashamed to only now be blogging about our three amazing weeks touring Scotland. I am proud of the obscure SNL-based inside jokes that I’ve been able to teach my children. They have become […]

August 31, 2023

John O Groats from the Orkney Ferry

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Visiting Bletchley Park

We spent last week in north London (Watford) and our favorite attractions were West End theater and Bletchley Park. I assume most London tourists don’t visit Bletchley park – or even know what it is – (a code-breaking facility during WWII) but for me it was a bit of a pilgrimage. Our second grader, Asher, […]

August 5, 2023

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Go Raibh Maith Agat (Thank You) for the Hospitality

Coming to Ireland was a relatively late addition to our itinerary. The trip has been planned for about 5 years but we only decided to add Ireland in January. We figured out that it wasn’t part of the Schengen zone (we hope). Therefore we can visit Ireland without starting the 90 day clock on Europe […]

July 23, 2023


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Cultural Immersion with Gaelic Sports

I was vaguely aware of Gaelic sports from my first trip to Ireland in 1994 (before I was old enough to appreciate the Guinness). In fact I bought a hurley (a hurling stick) on that trip and it has been leaning against my bedside table for most of the past 29 years. I had all […]

July 12, 2023


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Our First Mass in Ireland

By Alex (age 10) Mass in Ireland On Sunday, in addition to doing the daily things we do, we went to Mass (as usual).  When we entered the church, I noticed a few things: Later when we did communion the priest gave the Eucharist to me from the chalice (that was cool). After Mass we […]

July 9, 2023

Mass in Ireland

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