This blog will keep you up to date with the good, the bad and perhaps even the ugly of our lives as we get ready for our travels. You can watch as we embark on a worldwide trip and begin experiencing new cultures and places.
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The First Day of the Rest of Our Lives

I woke up this morning thinking that it was the last day of my sabbatical. Throughout my life, the last days of a vacation have always triggered sadness or even mourning. I would miss my summer vacation before it was even over. I’ve always dreaded the loss of personal freedom that comes with obligatory work […]

June 10, 2024

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Whirlwind Visit to the Windy City

I’ve been a closet nerd since I was 13 years old. Back in 1994, I discovered a collectable card game called Magic the Gathering and I’ve been obsessed ever since. If you aren’t familiar, imagine baseball cards that you can play a card game with. Except, instead of hitters and pitchers, the cards feature elves […]

March 16, 2024


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Yearning for Gyros (Greece with kids)

We lost Asher at the Parthenon. There were at least 10,000 tourists and guides walking around the Acropolis hill in Athens. Our group had radio headsets so we could hear our guide’s commentary. I had Chiara on my shoulders, and I was following Alex with Angie following me. Alex was following someone else in our […]

February 5, 2024


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One short week in the Eternal City

I was robbed on the metro the hour we arrived in Rome. Our train from Florence had arrived at Roma Termini and we switched to the metro to get to our apartment. When our metro train arrived it was already impossibly full. We were sweaty and tired and didn’t know when the next train would […]

January 28, 2024


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Iberian Explorations – Part 2

In my post on 100 days of travel, I recounted the challenges of our travel day from Portugal to Spain. I’m finally ready to add a fun epilogue to that story and then fill in the details of our 12 days in Spain. We also have another journal entry from Asher to round it out! […]

January 8, 2024

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Iberian Explorations – Part 1

Spain and Portugal (the Iberian Peninsula) were two high priority destinations for the trip from the first draft of our itinerary. In the combined 10+ trips to Europe that we’ve gone on, neither Angie nor I had ever been to Spain or Portugal. The appeal included the castles, warm weather, a fascinating history, and a […]

December 7, 2023


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Orthodox Observations

To those of you who religiously check our blog for updates, I apologize about how infrequently we post. We’ve been mostly posting in chronological order. In another tab I have a draft about our time in Portugal that will hopefully be posted “soon”. At the moment, we are in Istanbul, Turkey and we left Portugal […]

November 29, 2023


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Augsburg and Alsace

I wanted to call this post “Places with Pretzels” but I never bothered to take any pictures of the pretzels. We always ate them too fast. In my last post, about our first 100 days of travel, I mentioned that there were a number of destinations that we still need to blog about. Angie wrote […]

November 4, 2023

augsburg and alsace

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The First 100 Days of Travel

Originally written on Wednesday October 4, 2023 By: Chris a Travel Day We got up this morning at 5:00 am. Ate a meager breakfast of leftover lunch meat, day old pastries, and overripe persimmons (a daily gift from our Air BNB host). We loaded our sleepy kids into the rental car and drove the narrow, […]

October 17, 2023

100 days of travel

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The lighthearted part (By Angie) When we were looking up airbnbs for Krakow, one caught my eye. It looked really nice and I thought the name was pretty funny. It was Krakwow. Little did I know that the people who owned that airbnb had called their whole company Krakwow. Makes me think of Crack – […]

September 20, 2023

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