This blog will keep you up to date with the good, the bad and perhaps even the ugly of our lives as we get ready for our travels. You can watch as we embark on a worldwide trip and begin experiencing new cultures and places.
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December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas from … Minnesota

The whirlwind first half of our world tour has come to an end. Our plan was to spend Christmas in Bethlehem, but plans change. Please join us in praying for peace in Israel.

Merry Christmas from Grandma’s house

We are thrilled to be back in Minnesota with Grandma Susan at her beautiful new house. The past six months have taught us a lot and we’ve made some amazing memories. Most importantly we’ve learned just how important relationships are. The hardest times of the past six months were when we were missing our family and friends the most. The best times were when we made new life long friends.

After celebrating Christmas with family and friends we are going to recharge our batteries and catch up on our blog posts. Stay tuned for updates from Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Uganda! Our travels will resume on February 29, 2024 when we fly to the Philippines.

A sneak peak of our visit to Uganda with Father Zeph

Wherever you are we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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