This blog will keep you up to date with the good, the bad and perhaps even the ugly of our lives as we get ready for our travels. You can watch as we embark on a worldwide trip and begin experiencing new cultures and places.
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A few days in Paris – we decided. Just enough to show the kids the main sites but not spend too much time, since there were so many places in Europe that we wanted to take them (in the allowed 90 days of Schengen zone time). So, we had a travel day into the city, […]

November 15, 2023


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Augsburg and Alsace

I wanted to call this post “Places with Pretzels” but I never bothered to take any pictures of the pretzels. We always ate them too fast. In my last post, about our first 100 days of travel, I mentioned that there were a number of destinations that we still need to blog about. Angie wrote […]

November 4, 2023

augsburg and alsace

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The hills are alive…in Salzburg

Coming to Salzburg was a mini version of coming home for me. It’s a city where I studied abroad in college. We also came back to visit in 2006, 2010 and now. For some reason, as I try to describe this part of the trip, words escape me. Perhaps because it would take so many […]

October 24, 2023



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The First 100 Days of Travel

Originally written on Wednesday October 4, 2023 By: Chris a Travel Day We got up this morning at 5:00 am. Ate a meager breakfast of leftover lunch meat, day old pastries, and overripe persimmons (a daily gift from our Air BNB host). We loaded our sleepy kids into the rental car and drove the narrow, […]

October 17, 2023

100 days of travel

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Bad Ischl and Hallstatt with kids- sliding through a salt mine

We need to pivot On occasion, during this trip, we don’t plan ahead well when we’re getting from one place to another. It was a surprise when we found out it would be a 12 hour travel day on trains to get from Krakow to the place in Austria where we were headed, Bad Ischl. […]

October 6, 2023


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The lighthearted part (By Angie) When we were looking up airbnbs for Krakow, one caught my eye. It looked really nice and I thought the name was pretty funny. It was Krakwow. Little did I know that the people who owned that airbnb had called their whole company Krakwow. Makes me think of Crack – […]

September 20, 2023

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Ich bin ein Berlin Tourist

I wanted to visit Berlin because I’ve always loved history…Angie was less excited because she had heard it was a large intense city. We compromised and booked a short visit – only three full days. Turns out we were both right. Plus Berlin with kids (or any big city with kids) can be tricky. Read […]

September 10, 2023


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All Things Scottish

(By Chris – to start anyway.) This trip has at times brought great shame and at other times immense pride. I am ashamed to only now be blogging about our three amazing weeks touring Scotland. I am proud of the obscure SNL-based inside jokes that I’ve been able to teach my children. They have become […]

August 31, 2023

John O Groats from the Orkney Ferry

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Travel with kids

What is it really like to travel, long term, with kids? We are experiencing so much and its hard to find time to unpack it all, or show it or write a lot about each place, but we’ll keep doing the best we can to give you a glimpse into this adventure. As we write […]

August 9, 2023

travel with kids


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Visiting Bletchley Park

We spent last week in north London (Watford) and our favorite attractions were West End theater and Bletchley Park. I assume most London tourists don’t visit Bletchley park – or even know what it is – (a code-breaking facility during WWII) but for me it was a bit of a pilgrimage. Our second grader, Asher, […]

August 5, 2023

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